Understanding relationship basic: An ultimate guide to relationship development

We are human beings, we need family, partners, and a social circle of good relations to take leverage in life. Our foundation of relations starts by birth, family guides us from birth on how to behave, how to talk, and so on. when we enter the social world we start engaging in a relationship as per life’s stages.
Everyone goes through various types of relationships like friendship, love, parenting, and work or business relationship.
Somewhere we are stuck in a relationship where we do not know what should do next, or maybe it can be conflict-filled relationships or maybe it can be making good companionship and finding love.
If all goes well then we just need to be better day by day, but when it goes wrong, everyone suffers a lot from relationship conflicts. There are several people’s stories that can be seen everywhere and you can already be known around you who suffer from relationship conflicts.
To solve these relationship conflicts we learn the relationship development, where we learn most about relationships.
We don’t have any mind’s manual or any relationships manual but we have an opportunity to become better at relationships by learning about relationship development.
We believe our world would be a better place if we succeed to make our all relationships better.

What is a relationship and why it is important in our life?

A relationship is a way of association or connection between two or more people or groups of people, whether positive, intimate, or platonic. Typically, when people talk about “being in a relationship” the term is used for reference to a romantic relationship involving both physical and emotional intimacy.

The relationship is the biggest leverage point of our life and happiness. Relationship matter in personal life as well as professional and social life too. Our relations define us, our upbringing and growth are the results of our relationships.
In a good relationship, people feel happy, enjoy a healthier life and get more success in life. A relationship is the foundation of a family. In professional life, a good relationship defines you as a good leader. Our world is connected through various relationships.
Our society and culture also give importance to good relationships. If you are good at relationships, you will be good at your culture, society, and life too.

Types of the relationships

According to culture and geography types of relationships can be different in the world. But here we are taking the basic 7 types of relationships to describe.

  1. Family And Parenting
  2. Mentor or Guru Relationship
  3. Relationship with Self
  4. Friendship
  5. Business and Work Relationship
  6. Romantic Relationship
  7. Sexual Relationship

1. Family and Parenting

In the family parents and guardians are responsible for taking care of and protecting their children.
Family is the first primary school for children where they learn how to walk, talk, play, read, behave, and much more. Most of our beliefs like cultural and social development in our family.
In today’s world of technology, parents are developing a style of parenting, so their children can proud and thankful for their best upbringings.
Most of the teachings, advice, and discussion happens between family members and they are helpful to each other in long term.
Families are great examples of little administration where parents take care of everything. A good family always provides good moral values to their members.

2. Mentor or Guru Relationship

Every one of us had learned something from everyone, we learn always. But the way of a mentor or guru is to teach you differently, according to your needs. A mentor can be anyone like your family member, teacher, classmate, friend, and any dedicated professional mentor. But the guru is different than a mentor, his role is to teach you in every aspect of life spiritual, personal, social, etc. a guru can change your way of life by teaching various practices of life.
A good professional mentor can also change your life through their teachings and strategic planning according to your needs, strengths, and capabilities.
A mentor is for the physical world’s success and a guru for beyond the physical world’s success.
In this relationship, you always go towards growth which can be of the outer world or inner world.

3. Relationship with Self

I love myself, I like myself, I respect myself, and I treat myself better. You have already listened to these phrases many times in life. These all are part of the relationship with the self.
Taking care of yourself by doing yoga, meditation, reading books, watching videos and doing workout and anything which improve you every day is making a better relationship with yourself.
You will understand your true self better than others and your self-esteem will increase every day.
This is the best relationship of all relationships because when you understand and take care of yourself, then your all relationships will be healthy and happy and you will take care of others well.

4. Friendship

Friendship is a unique relationship, where you enjoy your life’s freedom.
Friendship is a relationship between two or more people and their mutual affection between them.
In friendship, you express yourself fully without any hesitation. You do not hide anything and talk about whatever you want. Many friends enjoy their foolishness and learn how odd they are and they become better day by day after knowing their flaws.
Everyone should have a minimum of one friend with whom they can share everything at any time.
Every relationship starts with friendship. Your good friends contribute to your growth and success, they provide much supports which you need many times.

5. Business and Work Relationship

Connections between Companies and businesses and their clients and employees are business relations and every entity that is in E-commerce engages relationships with their shareholders in any business network called a business network. It is beneficial for each party.
When workers and staff like managers and executives make a relationship between them called a work relationship, it involves only workers and officers under companies.
Business or work relationships can be between individual small businesses and professional individuals like an entrepreneur, doctors, lawyer, celebrity, coaches, and their clients and their fan followings on social media networks.
In a working environment, these relationships keep engaging working entities and their customers so both can be satisfied can grow better.
Nowadays businesses are focusing on making strong their relationships so they can grow better and can get more reach.

6. Romantic Relationship

Relationships between two people involve their strong attraction towards each other and their intimacy and love called a romantic relationship. Where the couple enjoys their well-being, kindness, support, and caring, and decides to live together and finally move towards marriage.
A romantic relationship is a great source of emotional bond and contribution to togetherness in a positive manner and great social interactions.
Countries with different cultural values follow different approaches to making romantic relationships like in India or eastern cultures people finally go towards marriage which can be choosing a partner by self or can be by family. But in most cases, these decisions are made by parents and by elders in communities.
But in western cultures peoples voluntarily choose romantic relationships.
Romantic relationships play a great role in achieving and fulfilling our needs like intimacy, sexual relations, social connections, and emotional support.

7. Sexual Relationship

There is not any specific definition of a sexual relationship but it can be defined in both ways with love or without love.
Loving couples and peoples enjoy their intimacy through sexual relationships which can be with their loving partner only.
And people also make a sexual relationship where they do not love but enjoy sexual activities. Peoples who make sexual relationship without love is defined as only enjoying sex and not participating in responsibilities to taking care and support etc. maybe they do it only for fun. It can be with their friend, acquaintance, someone in the working environment, or any other social media network.
They make more than one sexual relationship to enjoy their desires.

How relationship development helps us?

The first benefit of relationship development is mental peace and positive ambiance in workplaces.
Our communication becomes better and misunderstandings do not come to mind. Relationships provide support whether emotional, financial, or more to get you through your challenging and tough time.
It is possible because of relationship development.

study shows that people who enjoy a healthy relationship with their partner live longer.

People with strong relationships feel more secure and live stress-free life than others, these relationships can be romantic and platonic as well. Your supportive network makes you more confident in facing challenging situations and dealing with stress. A good relationship means a great family where all people can enjoy life better and get more successful.

In professional environment relationship development provide more expressing ways so all person can communicate easily and can feel trusted, confident, productive, and much more.


A loving and friendly behavior in which people feel connected is called a relationship. We need it in every scenario where we work, live, and expand our family. Different types of relationships we build like family & parenting, mentor or guru, relationship with self, work or business relationships, romantic relationships, and sexual relationships. Day to day life we do not manage our relationships and sometimes we forgot to care about relationships which are the most necessary.
Relationship development is a way of managing and taking care of our relationships.

If you want to be successful in life make strong every relationship, because the relationship is the foundation of life.

Which is the relationship you care about the most? Please write us in the comment section below.

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