Feeling Difficulty To Achieve Drams Or Goals? An Ultimate Guide To The Personal Development

You are not alone to feel stuck.
Every day I wake up and after my daily routine of work, I take tea and sit down at my computer for a day of work. I’ll usually work out, play with my pets, talk to family, taking nap, and have dinner. Then read, watch YouTube, and go to bed. The next day? Wake up and do it all over again.

After the pandemic, our life has suddenly turned around many degrees and taking shape it was never before. Dreams, goals, and ambitions are looking hard to achieve, it feels that we are stuck. Don’t worry, the good news? you are not alone – and personal development is here to help you.

I am working on a personal development journey for years before I knew what it meant. I knew I wanted to see personal growth and success and life had reached a point where I needed real changes. my personal development journey has also been filled with so many ups and downs, failure and success. Everyone’s journey will face the same difficulties because personal development is a lifelong process. Yeah, you will feel discomfort but you will also thrive in many other areas of your life.

At Chetan Mentor, personal development comes to life in what we call An Organized Life. Here you will thrive in your personal development journey with the benefits of other areas of life also.
If you’re looking for solutions to your personal development journey, we’re here to help you.

What is personal development?

Personal development is life long process to always become the best version of yourself and consistently improve your abilities, sharpen your skills, and feel confident in every situation.
There are many aspects of life in which you can also improve yourself like mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social personal development.
From analysis and knowing your hidden and possible strengths and abilities for reach towards goals and success, deeper understanding of your relations with others to self-actualization, your every action comes under personal development.

It is not limited to self-development only but also includes professional development and relationships.
When you become better day by day you feel more confident in every situation, and slowly take control of your life and you become the real owner of your life where you will decide what decision you will take without fear to grow more.

In the personal development process, Your professional life becomes more growth-oriented & motivated. And your personal life becomes more joyful so you feel confident always.
Maybe you are a parent, couple, single, a member of the family, or the personal development need of every individual.
When parents become more aware, prepared, and successful, their children will also take leverage of their parent’s personal development, you parents will feel more confident to handle their family.
An individual who is growing with personal development, there is more chance that he or she will find more strong relationships and success than others.

Why personal development is important?

You can see, for many entrepreneurs, mentors, companies, and institutions it is a common word to use for personal development, but they rely on it.
They always want growth and vision to do something great in life. That’s why it is more important in this era of the growing world.
There are several reasons but here I’m describing some of them why personal development is important.

Intellectual growth

Every individual need to be more intelligent than before, in personal development we work on all areas of mental and intellectual growth like focus, meditation, problem-solving, developing good habits, learning skills & stress handling, etc. Work to improve mind-related activities which are growth-oriented so we can improve our intelligence and intellect also.

Emotional Growth

To live happy and satisfactory life we need an emotional balance between life and work, To achieve it we need personal development. Emotional growth and intelligence are important factors in life that improve our relationships and quality of life.

Physical Growth

When you are physically fit and healthy, your brain function works more efficiently.
In personal development, you will improve your overall health by eating nutritious, exercising, and doing yoga. Your good health result will reflect in your professional achievements and productive life.


Everyone’s need is a healthy relationship. It is only achieved when we have an overall good understanding and personality and it requires a personal development plan.

Social Status

Society always leans towards a personally developed person. No matter what, society will always need a good leader and a leader will need a personal development plan.
Our social status also becomes more strong when we are capable of taking care of self well and others also, it requires mastering lots of responsibilities and skills. Which you will learn in your personal development journey.

Create Wealth

When you developed all of your personal development areas then you can make more wealth. It can be assets, money, lifestyle, etc.
From earning more money to making wealth you will need a good understanding of your strengths and abilities. That’s why personal development is the major key factor of success.

What are areas of personal development?

There are many areas of personal development but all come under these 5 major categories.

  1. Metal
  2. Emotional
  3. Physical
  4. Spiritual
  5. Social

1. Mental

In this area of personal development we learn and improve our mental or intellectual side eg. improve focus, memory power, time management, goal setting, Anger & stress management and learning new skills etc.
In this area you will learn about how to think, opinions, ideology, confusion, procrastination, understanding, misconceptions, and much more.

2. Emotional

In this area of personal development you will learn what feelings and emotions are, why they occur, recognize your feeling and emotions and of others also, and develop to manage them effectively.
And also learn about emotional intelligence, love, expressing your emotions in words, self-control over emotions, showing affection to others, etc.

3. Physical

In this area of personal development we Strengthen our physical abilities and fitness to achieve productivity in life. Our mind will work till its last potential if our body is fit and we have good health.
We can not enjoy our success without good health. So in this area, we focus on physical improvement but doing yoga, exercises, workout, taking a good amount of needed nutrition, and taking care of our body.
We develop an attractive personality by growing physically.
The mind needs the energy to produce results, the body converts energy from our food and exercises and workout. When we achieve energy in a good amount we can use it to transform our lives. Success is a power game, first, we have to develop mind power than physical power and convert all into success by transforming ourselves day by day consistently.

4. Spiritual

Spiritual growth enhances our ability to handle our ups and downs, deal with bounce back from failures, help in overcoming negative thoughts, and develop a sense of life’s belongingness and acceptance.
We learn to forgive others and live with pace. Spiritual growth increases our well-being and makes our strong belief in life.
We experience our connection with life and know the purpose of life and also explore our inner side of the true self.

5. Social

This area of personal development refers to the relationship changes which will long term and intersection involving self, family, work, society, etc. Both positive and negative sides are involved in this social personal development, positively how friendship grows, and as negative, aggression and bullying of a person.
It includes personal motivation and moralities too, how people inspire by others and how they learn from others like sitting with an older person in the family or society like senior citizens so teens and adults can learn their perspectives and can discuss various ideas of life to develop our-self better with the knowledge of our ancestor’s, which we can get from our society’s senior citizens.
In social growth, we also learn moral values and take Knowledge of how to implement those ethics in real life.
It also includes the learning of skills like communication, leadership, listening, public speaking, problem-solving, and relationship management.

How personalized personal development help us?

Every person has different strengths and weaknesses, everyone needs a personal plan according to their needs to grow in personal development.
To fulfill this purpose everyone needs a mentor or join a mentorship program.
Your personal-development mentor can help in your personal-development journey according to your needs and strengths. Maybe you are a student, adult, mature or in family responsible person to run the family. Your needs will be different from any other individual and you will need a personalized personal development plan to follow.
For example – a person is on a job and he needs only development in the emotional and social areas of personal development then he will make a plan accordingly.

8 Steps to make a personal development plan!

  1. Write down your skills, strengths, and weaknesses on a paper.
  2. Set your goals according to your strengths and skills
  3. Prioritize those goals in two sections. A – Goals with skills and knowledge you have already B – Goals without skills and knowledge which you do not have or partial knowledge.
  4. set a deadline for each goal by yourself when you want to achieve them?
  5. Recognize obstacles, threats, and opportunities.
  6. Develop and learn the skills and knowledge required to achieve the goal.
  7. Use your support networks like friends and family or a mentor.
  8. Measure your progress weekly, monthly, and quarterly.

10 Personal development skills to work on

  1. Meditation
  2. Get inspired daily
  3. Work on strengths
  4. Face & Defeat Fear
  5. Communication
  6. Make & Follow To Do List
  7. Get out of your comfort zone
  8. Assertiveness
  9. Emotional Intelligence
  10. Time Management


Now finally you know that personal development is the major key point to unlocking your hidden potential and sharpening your strengths, to become more productive, successful, and joyful.
We can organize our life as we want, as our dreams about it.
We are human beings and god gifted us the power to change ourselves and to change our world too, so we have to use it in our transformation.
In today’s world, technology continuously shaping us into more civilized human beings. so it is necessary to transform ourselves starting with a personal development journey so we can go parallel with the world’s needs and can contribute our best to the world. Then we can live with dignity & grace and can enjoy a blessed life.

In which area of personal development do you feel the need for development? or What are your strong personal development skills?
Please write in the comment section below

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